Build a Biogas Plant
Website: http://www.build-a-biogas-plant.com/ Why: Money spent on fuel that causes health issues is money that could be used for food,...

Solar Household Energy
Website: http://www.she-inc.org/ Description: A step-by-step case-study of successful methods for achieving community buy-in for solar...

Barefoot College
Website: http://barefootcollege.org Description: Training that addresses problems of drinking water, girl's education, health and...

Shallow Well Rope Pump
Website: http://cec.vcn.bc.ca/cmp/modules/wat-ro.htm Description: Complete plans for creating a shallow well rope pump. Training...

Heifer International
Website: Email: Description: Heifer envisions…A world of communities living together in peace and equitably sharing the resources of a...

NRDC Action Center
Website: http://nrdc.org Description: NRDC's Action Center provides tools, tips and information you need to help protect the earth's...

E-Stewards - Reducing High-Tech Toxic Export Website: http://www.ban.org Description: This site provides contacts for vendors providing...

Earth 911
Website: www.earth911.com Description: Easy to use resources for searching locations for various recycling in the US and Canada. Earth...

Big Boda Load-Carrying Bicycle
Website: http://www.worldbike.org/ Description: The Big Boda is able to carry hundreds of pounds of cargo or two additional passengers...

KickStart Irrigation System
Website: http://kickstart.org/why-irrigation/#the-solution Description: Fights poverty in sub-Saharan Africa by selling low-cost...