Earth Enable Floors
Website: Description: What is Earthen Flooring?Earthen Floors are made by compressing different layers of natural...
Cities of Service
Website: Description: Cities of Service is a US nonprofit that networks city mayors and city chief...
Cool Roofs
Website: Email: Description :Save money. Stay cool. Lowering the temperature of...
Friendly Water for the World
Website: Email: Description: Low-cost clean water filters and technologies. Providing water...
KickStart Irrigation System
Website: Description: Fights poverty in sub-Saharan Africa by selling low-cost...
Bamboo Bike Project
Website: Description: The bike is an inexpensive and effective option for impoverished...
Biosand Water Filters
Website: Public Email: Description: In rural W. Kenya we have successfully set up...
Parabolic Oven
Solar Oven for larger group: Parabolic Oven Website Description: One popular type of solar oven is the parabolic solar oven, used over...
Stop Junk Mail
Description: Tired of all those credit card applications and catalogs clogging your mailbox? Now you can do something to help stop junk...
Chicken Tractor
Website Public Email: Description: A chicken tractor is a movable floor-less chicken coop for the purposes of pest control, lawn care,...