Keeping Children Safe - Child Protection Toolkit

"Keeping Children Safe Toolkits" and resources enable organizations, wherever they are in the world, to develop practical child protection procedures and give staff vital training and support.
Why: Keeping Children Safe - a toolkit for child protection has been developed in collaboration with the NSPCC and a coalition of international agencies including Plan, Save the Children, Oxfam, World Vision, Tearfund, Everychild, Terre des Hommes and People in Aid. Abuse of children across the world occurs on a staggering scale. It is estimated that 40,000,000 children are abused each year. Much more can be done to protect them, which is why the Keeping Children Safe Coalition has developed a set of tools to help organisations working in developing countries to keep children safe. Agencies working for and with children also have a responsibility to make their operations safe for the children they are in contact with. Working for such organisations gives adults who seek to harm children power, status and opportunity to abuse children that they would otherwise not have. Organisations must address these protection challenges effectively. Jasmine Whitbread, Chief Executive of Save the Children said; “It’s vital that we increase child protection awareness among relief and development workers. It’s an unpalatable fact that that some people are willing to prey on children already vulnerable from natural disasters or extreme poverty.
Effort to Implement: Simple
Availability Limits: None